R.J. Tolson
R. J. Tolson is an internationally award-winning author, renowned founder and CEO, inspirational speaker, philanthropist, and more.
A popular radio and TV talk show guest, he has appeared on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, and Telemundo. He speaks 6 languages, studies metaphysics, and has written over 4 books.
Currently living in California, he enjoys playing with his puppy and hitting the tennis courts.

With 5 months left at age 17, RJ spoke 6 languages (English, Spanish, Greek, Korean, Chinese & Japanese), finished his first novel, and founded future web design division RJTINC. During his 18th year, Tolson founded multi-divisional international company RJTIO, published Zephyr the West Wind, and began attending Whittier College (President Nixon’s and Edwin Keh’s Alma mater). Comprised of web division RJTINC (with 20 staff members), business consulting and tutoring division R.L. Infinity Int., and internationally known Forever Trust Charity, RJTIO had expanded into international business.
By 19, RJ was a multi-divisional CEO, managing over 50 contracted employees at a multitude of RJTIO’s offices and outposts around the world, an award winning author, teacher of metaphysics, and a teenage philanthropist.
Now 20 years old, Tolson, managing over 100 contracted RJTIO employees and over 250,000 FT volunteers while having been featured on multiple national/international networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, Telemundo), became an internationally recognized CEO and Fantasy Author, founder of the Project: Limitless initiative and author of the Project: Limitless metaphysical business book series, and a debut published composer. Tolson still teaches metaphysics and pursues innovation in all of his previous goals and accomplishments.
Most recently, RJ toured the United States on a literary campaign to promote reading and writing, along with entrepreneurship and the theme of innovation. This included schools all over New England, Florida, Washington D.C., and more, as well as multiple festivals like the Baltimore and Miami book festivals, and the upcoming Virginia festival of the books. In January of 2014, Tolson traveled to China on an educational business trip, experiencing the culture of China while having the opportunity to meet with fortune companies like Google (Asia), Lenovo, Sina (Weibo), Tsing Shan Steel and Intex.